Who Is Eurotubes?
We are into tubes! We deal in JJ Electronic tubes and NOS tubes. We are located in Milwaukie Oregon and have customers in every corner of the world from Tasmania to Iceland! We are not your standard corporate model based on the "hey lets make some money" model. We know tubes because we play tubes! Our prices are as low as possible and each and every tube goes thru multiple testing on state of the art equipment. We offer options for most amps that other tube vendors will simply scoff at and say "you can't do that!" So why DO we do it? Because we love tubes! We are not a bunch of suits, we research hundreds of amps doing the groundwork to figure out what tubes can be run safely and actually sound good. This is how we know what grade of tubes to use in fixed bias amps and what different types of tubes will sound like. We get questions all the time asking if running 6V6's in Hotrod Deluxe amps, or running KT77's in a JSX, or running KT88's in a Dual Rec will hurt the amp? The answer is that we would of course, never recommend anything that would hurt your amp. Before we recommend any “Retube Kit” we thoroughly test the amps ability to run the tubes and whether or not the combination sounds good. We don't recommend tubes just because a player posted on a forum somewhere that a particular combination worked good for him, unlike some other tube vendors, we do our own research. There is no "Silver bullet" for every amp and for every player. This is why we offer so many different Retube Kits for quite a few amps and we'll continue to add more kits as time permits and passes. We also do custom kits everyday for players who don't see a kit that sounds exactly like what they want. After all tone is incredibly subjective and in the end it will all boil down to personal opinion. We get the question all the time "why only JJ tubes?" Well, as stated above, tone is subjective and personal opinion. We simply feel that the JJ Electronic tubes are superior in tone and quality. If Eurotubes were simply a capitol venture, we would sell all brands because both the chinese and russian tubes are cheaper at a wholesale level with more profit potential. However we always test and listen to all new tubes produced by all companies so we keep well versed on what is available. For you players local to the Portland Oregon area we can see you by appointment and can usually turn your amp around in one day. Below you can find out more about all of us including Bio pages. Meet The Crew!
Bob Pletka Bob Pletka Bob Pletka Bob Pletka Bob Pletka Bob Pletka Bob Pletka Bob Pletka Bob Pletka Click for Bio Carla Pletka Carla Pletka Carla Pletka Carla Pletka Carla Pletka Carla Pletka Carla Pletka Click for Bio Eddie Pletka Eddie Pletka Eddie Pletka Eddie Pletka Eddie Pletka Eddie Pletka Eddie Pletka Eddie Pletka Click for Bio Andrew Clapp Click for Bio
© 1998 - 2020 Eurotubes Inc.  All Rights Reserved All text and images on this website may not be used without express permission. All prices and product information subject to change without notice.
Phone  503 659 7401
A website for musicians by musicians.
Peter Woodworth Click for Bio